Design Research Dissertation | Draft Dissertation

Mohamed Hammam Chebel (0342483) BDE's. Creative Media (Hons). 
Design Research Dissertation. 
Draft Dissertation.


Draft dissertation Progress 

Fig 1.1
Draft Dissertation Final

Fig 1.2
Draft Dissertation Feedback 


week 2 

- Task 01 not completed 
- refer to the lecture videos and pdf slides posted in Teams 
- Complete task 01 and ask for a consultation 


- put the phrase "the importance ..." at the beginning.
- describe what is color and how colors work in websites.
- In every topic, you must have a short introduction.
- How design elements appear in websites.
- As the purpose revolves around color ...
- keep culture at the end.
- Added; "color scheme and branding of a website".
- Answer the second question: "How do colors work with other design elements".
- Do some website analysis to help you with 5.2.1>
- Design thinking read about it.
- Complete 5.1 and 5.2 for next week.

week 4

- Put citations in text.
- Put captions below the pictures.
- don't put two pictures as one figure number
- get clearer higher resolution images.
- put desktop screengrabs instead of mobile screen grabs.
- double-check the Call To Action spelling.
- add more images for each key design element.
- get rid of the word app.
- try not to use etc...
- choose "color" or "colour"
- don't use the term "conclude" yet!
- how do colors work with other design elements (images, content)
-  put percentages from the survey
- discuss and argue with a website example.
- try not to write long sentences.

week 5

- Make elements in order.
- redo interview citations, refer to the example provides by the lecturer.
-  paraphrase, don't use the exact words.
-  Don't use "Your" in your dissertation.
- Add a picture credit list for all the images.
- Try to finish the literature review for next week.
- refer to the recorder tutorial videos to get a better understanding.

week 6

- add two more articles 
- make sure the articles are recent
- try to reach 750 words
- Follow the structure of the dissertation


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